

●少林木鱼功 ●风幡心动

       木鱼是佛门法器,作曲家却把它变成了音乐。多声部的木鱼演奏讲述着少林武僧成长的历程:顽皮的 少年,刚强的壮年,修持的晚年……传说中的牧羊女赶着羊群走来了,歌声打破木鱼的禅定,给这片佛国净土带来人间的美丽。禅,于是有了世俗的解释……


      The Second Movement: Wood MusicThe continuous sound of wood block from the thousand -yesr-old temple is stating the development process of monks of Shaolin Temple: naughty boys, mature grown-ups,andpeaceable old-sters……The shepherdess drives the sheep, and her singing breaks the mind of zen caused by the wood block. The heart beats with the wind, all for thebeauty in the earth. Therefore, zenpossesses practicat interpretation……


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